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Article: Twenty-four solar terms flower decoration - awn seed summer solstice -

二十四節気の花飾り - 芒種 夏至 - - 名古屋園芸

Twenty-four solar terms flower decoration - awn seed summer solstice -

June flower news with the fragrant green of plants. The year is divided into twenty-four seasons, and the twenty-four solar terms incorporate the changes of the four seasons. This month is the season of "Mangseed" and "Summer Solstice". How about incorporating the scenery of flowers into your life as the seasons change?

Mousse "A time to sow the seeds of plants that produce ears, such as rice and wheat."

Hydrangea is the flower that symbolizes the start of the rainy season. Just looking at the fresh and fresh hydrangeas will make you feel cool. The color variations of this season are mainly blue, white, green, and pink. You can match it with seasonal branches, or you can cut one ring and decorate it in several places. It is also recommended that it is easy to handle and has a long shelf life.

Bouquet ¥5,500 ( tax included)

Flowers used <hydrangea, calla, rose, lace flower, monstera>

Summer solstice "When the days are the longest and the nights are short."

Along with hydrangea, I would like to introduce the Turkish bellflower for this time of year. A mysterious name that is neither a member of the bellflower nor native to Turkey. There are various theories about its origin, but it is a familiar flower along with roses and carnations. The gorgeous and neat impression of the Turkish bellflower is indispensable for flower coordination. It's a long-lasting flower, so it's a recommended flower for this time of year.

Bouquet ¥5,500 ( tax included )

Flowers used <Turkish bellflower, hydrangea, raspberry, monstera>

In June , the temperature and humidity will be much higher, so isn't it the time to be concerned about the shelf life? In that respect, the shelf life of hydrangeas and bellflowers is ◎. Both are compatible with other flower materials, and are recommended for room decoration and flower gifts. How about adding hydrangeas and bellflowers to your room this month to keep it cool during the rainy season?

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