succulent queen echeveria
About 200 species of Echeveria are known. 80 % of them are distributed in Mexico, and others are distributed in Central America and South America. It grows naturally in rocks and stony hollows on the slopes of mountains and hills, mainly in arid regions.
planting of echeveria
Colorful and beautiful Echeveria is indispensable for group planting of succulents! Please enjoy group planting with your favorite variety
Echeveria has many varieties and a wide variety of leaf colors and shapes, and it is relatively easy to obtain, so you can enjoy collecting them.
The beauty of Echeveria is the shape of its leaves. The thick leaves overlap to create a beautiful rosette shape reminiscent of a rose flower.
echeveria dark elf
It does not like heat and humidity, so please grow it in a well-ventilated place. Don't forget to check if there is water between the leaves after watering!
In addition, there are many varieties that you can enjoy colorful autumn leaves after autumn when the temperature difference between the daytime and the day becomes large, so the change is also one of the pleasures in growing. Echeveria leaves vary in size depending on the cultivar. Rosettes that form beautiful leaves can be as small as 3 cm in diameter, or grow to 30 cm or more over the years. How about arranging small potted plants according to the place where you put them in your room, or growing a large plant with impact like a symbol tree?
cubic frost
It is easy to hybridize, and gardening species come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. You can divide the seedlings in spring. Please enjoy the divided seedlings in a small pot or group planting.
Take this opportunity to find your favorite variety with the color and shape you like, and grow Echeveria that can be enjoyed vividly even in the cold season.